Rockstar Docs
This is the official documentation for Rockstar v2.
Yes, the joke has documentation. If we didn't have docs, we wouldn't be able to make a joke about how Tommy used to work on the docs.
- Getting Started
The basics: scream, shout, whisper, comments, and how to put guitar chords in your Rockstar programs.
- Types and Values
Meet Rockstar's type systems: numbers, strings, booleans, null, and mysterious.
- Variables
Ever wished you could create a variable with a space in it? Welcome to Rockstar, friend. We got you.
- Arithmetic
You want to add two numbers together? Boring. Go play with JavaScript. You want to divide a string by another string? Now we're talking.
- Binary Logic
Truth, truthiness, false, falseyness... and Rockstar is the only programming language in the world in which a variable can be totally non non non non NON heinous.
- Expression Lists
What's the difference between a variable list, an expression list, and a primary list? Do you care? We care. Not a lot, but we do.
- Flow Control
If, else, otherwise, loops, until, while... and how to end a block, oooh, yeah, baby.
- Functions
Like many of the fine rock'n'rollers who inspired it, Rockstar can't really be said to be functional - but it does have functions.
- Arrays and Collections
Whether it's the set list, the stack of 4x12 speaker cabinets, or the queue of eager fans waiting to get into the show, rock'n'roll is all about collections.
- Conversions and Mutations
Every great entourage has a fixer: the person who sorts out those last few bits that weren't really anybody else's job. Conversions and mutations are Rockstar's fixers: if you need to parse strings into numbers, convert character codes, we got you.
- Changes from Rockstar 1
Great songs get rerecorded. Great records get remastered. Rockstar 2 introduced a bunch of new features, and a handful of breaking changes.
- Deep Cuts
The deep cuts. The murky corners of Rockstar that even Rockstar fans don't know about.